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This practical and interactive online course is aimed at new or aspiring supervisors, team leaders, or managers who want to use coaching in their day-to-day practice at work.


The course, which can be accessed on desktop and laptop PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, adapting to each platform as required for the best learning experience, combines videos and activities to introduce you to coaching at work.


Alongside these video lessons and the activities that accompany them, we’ve also included a range of resources to support your learning and help you put that learning into practice. This includes:

  • Questions that you can use in coaching conversations;
  • Reflection and feedback forms for the practical coaching sessions;
  • Guides on how to create SMART objectives;
  • Self-analysis tools; and
  • A next step tool so that you can make sure you get the most from completing the course.


As coaching is very much a practical skill, we have built into the course milestone points where you are asked to put into practice the skills and knowledge that you learn by having real coaching conversations with people you work with.


You can complete the course at your own pace and revisit any areas you are unsure about whenever you need.


By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Define coaching and explain why it is important
  • Identify and use essential coaching skills
  • Explain and use a simple coaching process
  • Apply an understanding of motivation theory when coaching
  • Explain the value and use of self-coaching


    Coaching is an essential skill for any manager.  We’ve designed this course to give you a solid foundation from which to begin coaching in your workplace

    I want to start coaching at work

    SKU: OTS0001M
      • Welcome to the Course
      • What is coaching all about?
      • Coaching Skills
      • Understanding Motivation
      • Self-coaching
      • Next Steps
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